This bike mount for smartphones is perfect for regular cyclists and occasional pedallers alike. Whether you have an iPhone, Samsung or the latest Huawei model, TIGRA SPORT has the solution for mounting your device safely so you can continue to make full use of its features.
A smartphone bike mount for all sports enthusiasts.
Does your smartphone follow you when you are exercising? With your mobile you can monitor progress by checking your speed and distance covered, for example. TIGRA SPORT proposes a mounting system to fix your smartphone to the stem or handlebars of your bike, as you prefer. With our compatible cases, your mobile phone is held perfectly in place and follows you throughout your cycling or mountain-bike training session. The smartphone bike mount is easy to install and allows you to attach any iPhone or Android model without running the risk of it detaching itself, even on rough terrain. It comes with a waterproof cover, so even in bad weather you can indulge in your favourite sport in the knowledge that your precious smartphone will be safe.
Smartphone bike mount: keep your mobile handy
Even in cities bicycles are booming! There is also a smartphone mount suitable for city bikes, ideal for commuting or meeting friends. Fix the smartphone mounting system to your handlebars and cycle with your GPS app. Just a glance and you will know which way to turn. With our compatible shock-absorbing cases, your Samsung or Google Pixel is protected from falls. The TIGRA SPORT secure mounting system lets you attach your mobile phone firmly to the mount and detach it effortlessly when needed.